A few weeks ago I was in a school interview and was asked the question "Why [school] Now?" The question was very appropriate for someone who has not been in a classroom as a student in almost 15 years. It is also an appropriate question to ask myself about why I have chosen to start blogging now. Well, my answer is: I want to live TODAY!! Living means jumping in with both feet and PARTICIPATING in life. I've been a spectator for so long watching others pursue their dreams and passions. Now, it's time for me to participate! Too long I have been contemplating and thinking about my purpose. I've read books, prayed, fasted, and more. Now it's time to for me to move and live!! I have learned to not think about making a wrong decisions or moving in the wrong direction because as long as I stay connected with God, he'll continue to close doors that are not in line with my purpose and he'll continue to open the ones that lead me right into my destiny. So “WHY NOW”… because NOW – today and this moment – is all that I have! Is NOW the time for you to pursue your dream or your passion?
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