Yesterday after church service, I met a friend for coffee at a nearby Starbucks. It’s a popular spot and conveniently located. So much so, that I typically run into someone I know most times I am there. Well, yesterday I ran into a woman who had also attended worship service where I had attended. She’s an acquaintance that I’ve known and seen at services in the past for a year or more and I was happy to see her. We stopped to speak briefly as I was trying to recall where I’d met the friend she’d come into the coffee shop with sometime prior. Once we figured it out and we all went to separate parts of the shop to settle into the conversations that we each were having with the friend we were meeting, she whispered something to me. She said… “I sure do miss the creative work you used to do with the church services”. Her comment actually caught me by surprise and I quickly responded that I sure did miss doing it as well.
For a good while, I had been serving as the church’s interim Creative Director. It was a very fulfilling role that allowed me to use my creativity and the creativity of others to reach people and to teach people and to help create a unique worship experience for people who wanted to experience church in a different way. It has been a year since I ceased playing that role and I really do miss doing it. I had no idea and had never really considered that someone who was used to experiencing the creativity might actually miss the experiences as well. It felt good knowing that what I had enjoyed doing so much had actually touched someone else. Week after week I recall putting my heart and soul into creating experiences. When one does that, it means a whole lot that someone is actually touched by it.
What does this have to do with the journey to my destiny? Well, it was confirmation that putting your heart and soul into something is the right thing to do regardless of whether others acknowledge you about doing so. That one, short, unsolicited comment meant a whole lot to me. It helped me to realize that when you do something that you’re passionate about and put your whole self into doing, someone somewhere will be touched and it is all worth it. I will continue to seek opportunities that allow me to passionately work as a result.
On what are you working that is requiring your passion and your diligence? Do you feel like stopping because it doesn’t seem to be making a difference? Does it seem like you no one is really even benefiting from your efforts? Even when it doesn’t seem to be the case, your passion and diligence and the giving of yourself will bless someone somewhere. Knowing that someone has been blessed is the best payment of all.
Don’t stop giving your all. If you’re like me, because you enjoy doing it you'll enjoy that part of the ride. And, when you realize someone else is receiving something out of all of your passion and hard work, that will help you enjoy the ride even more. The enjoyment and fulfillment is all the payment we really need!
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