It’s January 24, 2010 and I have not yet posted an entry to my blog in this new year. I find writing very therapeutic and at the present moment I’m really a bit angry, so I will write and by the end of the entry, I will hopefully have accomplished two things… an entry for the new year and hopefully a translation of some of the negative emotions I am feeling into positive energy for me and for someone else. So here we go:
I am angry with myself today for allowing a person back into my life who I know is not good for me. I am angry with myself for ignoring the voice inside of me saying "you’re really just fine, actually better, without this person. So, in this moment of missing what used to be or what could have been, don’t ruin your new beginning and a brand new wonderful level of happiness without this person by heading back in their direction." I heard myself loud and clear but for some reason ignored me.
Hmmm!! Why is that? Could it be lack of respect? If someone else gave me good advice that would be helpful, what would it mean if ignored them. Would it mean that I didn’t respect their point of view? Hmmmm!! I suppose so! Here I was giving myself perfectly good advice… and, I should I might add acknowledge that the voice was inspired by God… it was the God in me. So, guess what… it boils down to not respecting me and my own point of view and dare I say not respecting the God in me. I GOTTA fix that!
So, what does this have to do with getting to my destiny? Well first off… I must admit that I do not like to see other people being disrespected. I don’t like when I am disrespected by others. Disrespect does not promote healthy relationship. And, along life's journey that’s all you encounter -- relationships! We do not travel to our destination on our own. While we may be alone throughout the entire length of the journey, there are people who travel certain segments of the distance with us. Those relationships are necessary. And the healthier they are, the more enjoyable they are, the better they are to serve their purpose and the more fond memories that they create. Same with self… the more respect for oneself, the healthier the relationship with self, and the more confidence one has and the happier one will be along the journey.
So the next time I’m inspired, I will be quiet, not talk back, and listen to the voice inside of me. Respect myself to take heed and TRUST it! Besides, it’s there to serve and guide and protect me! ONLY me!! Why waist all that good sense… if I just listen and do what it says, my journey will be healthy, rich, and full of happiness! Join me in listening to and respecting self while we enjoy the ride!!
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