Making a decision can be overwhelming especially when we have so much in our lives going on. But one thing is for sure, whether we make a decision now or later, we can’t escape our decisions. And, every decision in our life has consequences. Procrastination
doesn’t mean we’re avoiding a decision or the resulting consequences of that
decision. Procrastination only means we’re DELAYING the consequences because in
not making a decision we are really already passively making a decision or
allowing the decision to be made for us. So…we really need to practice and learn how to STOP to make a decision now.
When we are on the way to a destination, there are times
when we might find ourselves in unfamiliar territory. At least this was before
GPS systems. Pre- GPS if we found ourselves lost, we could make an immediate
decision to stop to ask for directions or to change courses or we could
continue driving in hopes that eventually something would look familiar. Unfortunately,
when we’re lost we may never get to a point where we can find our way… and
when/if we do, we will have lost time on our journey. So, it seems the prudent thing to do is to
stop as soon as your recognize that we may be lost. In spite of what’s
happening around us. We need to ask for direction, relook at our map, even back
step until we figure out where we went wrong. But for God’s sake and for our
own sake, don’t ignore the need to stop to make some decisions. And, once the decision is make embrace all that comes with that decision, because each choices offers its own set of positives and negatives. Delaying and allowing the decision to be made for you almost always promises to deliver consequences you really can't swallow easily.
What does this have to do with getting to our destination?
Well, the only thing we have in this life is time. We all get an equal amount
of it. So, it is important to make the most of the time that we have. Now, one way of thinking is whether spend
much of your time lost on your way to your destination or whether you arrive at
your destination in a timely manner and can enjoy being there all the longer,
you should enjoy each moment of your life wherever you are in your
pursuit. I agree, however, I think I would
much rather spend less time searching and more time being who and where I am
supposed to be. So… if we find we are delaying some decisions… stop where you
are… evaluate and make good decisions about moving forward. You’ll be happy that you reached your end
goal and enjoy the consequences of your decisions rather than not!